Oni hatch stable. That works out to 22 tiles a hatch.

  • Oni hatch stable. A volcano won’t even support a single full stable.

    Oni hatch stable It is far from "ages of hatch free food" Mixed liquid vs ONI's Magical Yes. A third place needs to be chosen to have the eggs moved to. https://imgur The thing about stable is that they can have machinery inside, so it can serve a secondary function. In my game, I can get at most around 50 20 glossies using 6 groomed. I typically only run 3 hatch ranches (though I did have an additional pip and sweetle -> worm ranch), still got it TL;DR : When ranching sage hatches for their meat, you can use less dirt by growing mealwood and feeding them to the hatches. And another tip, try to make your rooms 4 tiles high instead of 3 ;) Leave some room for automation. r/Oxygennotincluded it should work with ranching sweepers->storage->feed sweeper->kill smart storage->kill sweeper. For example, Pacu naturally take 5 cycles to hatch at 20% incubation per cycle, and the "lullabied" status adds 80% to this rate, ThisI am a bit lazy in setting up sweeper for every room, so instead I use door with timer as floor. Last resort is the evolution-to-meat chamber with a drop off priority of one. Decor (Radius 1) 10. The maximum number of critters that can be held Been working on space efficiency for hatches to allow quick and easy grooming, short travel time for ranchers, and max space for 8 hatches total. Ways to setup a Hatch Stables & Incubators within 96 tiles, so that your base is symmetrical. Pufts and shinebugs need 16, I think -- 6 per stable. A single regolith melter can easily produce 20kg/s of igneous rock (a full conveyor) which is enough to feed 85 stone hatches. Baby hatches cannot jump, but start with plenty of Hey guys, I would like to compile a video of all types of drecko & glossy farm's / stable to my youtube channel. If the door is then closed, the hatch will be trapped and pushed out the bottom to fall into one of the stables below. The only downside you might find is that they might die of age before they lay a last egg. If you make barbecue that means a hatch produces 640 calories per cycle (16 * 4000 / 100). 100 000 kg, which is 100t only enough for 20 cycles. The three conditions required to open this door are: At least one stable is asserting the “breeder needed” signal. But getting 100% efficiency is impossible. Put the stone hatches in a new stable, feed them igneous rock. Decided to make some hatch stables, but don't know if really should focus on stone hatches- Sage produce less coal, yet they eat 100% renewable meal lice of which tones are in stock. I kill off the smooth hatches and the basic hatch and only use stone hatches. If the stable is not full enough it will get stuck. Comfort 283. couldn't this be simplified at least for basic operation, by using the motion sensor and a filter gate . The automation resetting the meters daily. Every stable has an autosweeper and loaders for coal, eggs and meat. But you don't have to use complex things to be successful in ONI. I like to use the 96 tiles layout, easy to setup stables & farm Also good to have a sweep only dispenser here for letting dupes collect eggs outside of a stable. Given 100 cycles lifespan and 4 days for egg to hatch in incubator, this means that I will need one incubator for every 25 critters I have. then when the dupe hugs it it will trigger a motion sensor which would activate a filter if active for the time it approximately takes for a hug it would reset the system . I'm firing the game up for the first time since the CU went live and am just wrapping my head around all of the changes to ranching. A small room with a Critter Drop-Off and optional Duplicant and Critter sensors, where excess of critters get deposited and drowned on preset condition be it number of critters, fullness of refrigerators, time of day, or carelessness of duplicants. That being said, the best way to transition is to feed regular hatches sedimentary rock, which will increase your odds of getting a stone We begin to farm hatches. Other critters may be more time consuming. Currently, a tame Hatch eats 140kg/cycle of ore, and produces 70kg of coal. No shove voles on that starting map, and only 1 hatch to start, so the ramp up was a bit slower than yours it sounds like. More posts you may like Related Oxygen Not Included Survival game Gaming forward back. 2 per hatch) and 1 powered one per 25 (0. 1 egg is needed to replace the hatch, the other 16 can be used as meals. Example, I have three ranchs set to auto tangle at 8. Share Sort by: Best. so first off you need a stable. And of course since such stable is not a room anymore then it is not a real stable. If all of them are full When ONI gives you eggs, you make omelette. Hatch stables also double as my growing zones. Archived post. With this build, you won't have to worry about feeding, cleaning up coal, or Currently its 12 tiles per creature, so a 96 tile stable (max size) would be 8 creatures only (ugh). The most efficient option for sustainable hatch farming by far is to upgrade to stone hatches and get into regolith melting. Once you've seen a few basic hatch farms, it starts to make sense what is going on. It is created by placing a Ranching Building inside an enclosed room with a size of 12-96 tiles. In the case of hatch ranch, an automatic feeding system is needed as such Each conveyor meter is set to 112 units of 10kg igneous rocks, what the hatches eat daily. Simply From sage to stone, a guide to everything you need to know to get started with hatch ranching. One possible concern is that baby hatches do not reproduce, meaning there's some reproductive downtime for each hatch. I ended up adding sweepers to nab the extra eggs The eggs go to a one-tile high area on top of the main stable area where they eventually hatch. A volcano won’t even support a single full stable. Reply 0% -> no egg replacement 100% -> only 1 egg produced until it dies (no increase in hatch population) Reply Now choose another area but only place the drop-off with priority 8 and 20 hatch and hatchlings. it can be 12-96 tiles big, at least 4 tiles high. Know how big your ranch needs to be to farm the outputs you need Oni Ranch Calculator. i have 3x8 hatch farm i like it, lots of coal lol. So I made two stables and split the hatches between them - see screenshot below. Usually I end with 4 stone hatch ranches. End Screen music: When Johnny Comes Marching Home by Coop Chapters!0:00 Intro4:52 Creating the Enclosure7:05 Moving Hatches9:47 Feeding13:43 Shipping Crash Course25:28 Sorting Hatch Eggs30:35 Moving Hatches Between It's happening because eggs are in the stable with them, and the stable is full of critters. Join the sage hatch club my friend! For a deeper dive on hatch ranching - https://youtu. Resource wise, 8 hates for 96 tiles and one dupe who take care of them doesn't worth it. Ranches will never get cramped by excess eggs nor die out because too many eggs were removed. A Stone or Smooth Hatch is unable to lay a Sage Hatch egg - Is a particular type of hatch best for meat production? Or do you just send all excess to the meat room All hatch types give you 2kg meat. Edit 2: Nvm again, I found a fix but it's kinda different design. or if you need more refined metal you could go smooth hatch. Hatchlings stay in incubators for a while. this will burn few metal ore but will From talking with other ONI fans I've come to realize that compact designs that do more with less are very important to many people despite the huge size of the maps. An Incubator incubates the eggs of critters until they are ready to hatch. We also do a bunch of exploring and build a water tank. Eggs get moved into an Excess room where they hatch and from there the critters move to any ranch that needs to be refilled the best way to ranch a hatch is based on what do you want for the output and what kind of base do you have. They are still overcrowded! Even though one has only 3 hatches and almost 10 squares of stable per hatch. just remove the eggs or let it be the only downside is they won't lay new eggs. One sage hatch isn't going to do much useful work. The improvement I can see is to make another room with incubators only, set maximum critters to 0 and enable auto wrap. The OP asked about stone hatches specifically. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . I have a 66 square stable, and with only three hatches all three of them are cramped. all extra You can fit at most 8 hatches in one Stable, so technically you would need more than one stable to fuel one coal generator constantly. The Hatch is a nocturnal organism that consumes minerals encountered in its path. Bring your drecko inside. The free space is used for storage. Adding two more critters would prompt the Overcrowded debuff. Make a stable, feed them sedimentary rock to get stone hatches. I mainly plant wild trees in them so I get lumber for my ethanol generators, because tree farms takes a lot of space too, and I need a lot of trees. If you enjoy the content, consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www. Lifespan (cycles) 100. Critter › Stone Hatch. Including a very simple hatch ranch, which will give you a steady supply of coal (if that's what you're after). Plus, a small coal powerplant. 96/8 is 12. We go over the math behind setting up stables and how much the hatches can support. As pointed out by u/froznwind, the vertical design is superior to a rectangular stable since the rancher doesn't have to wait as long for hatches to arrive at the grooming station. I built a stable, feeder, arrow thingy and grooming station all those at priority 8, room overlay identifies it as a stable. More (edit) For hatches, specifically, they need 12 tiles per hatch, and your ranch is 44 tiles if I'm counting correctly. I will be showing a design for a fully automated squeaky/dense puft farm later, so stay tuned! ^^ But with sage hatch approach I started using slime in the early game, additional coal and meat have let me stayed in comfortable early game food and power position for longer, and I have heat free way of dealing with polluted dirt (as they can also eat that and using composters usually cooks my base). ( which is 8, as the max size farm is 96 tiles and each hatch needs 12 tiles of space ) ***** THIS METHOD IS NO LONGER NECESSARY DUE TO THE NEW CRITTER PICKUP BUILDING *****Ultimate Hatch Tutorial: https://youtu. I use a stone hatch setup like this (though stone hatches cannot fully maintain their population due to 33% hatch eggs) to clear the magma biome. If no incubator is available I keep 8-12 incubators (unpowered unless I have empty rooms) and about 6-7 hatch stables. They will place that hatch in whatever of the other two with the higher priority. Then the sweeper in the water pit can pick up the meat and coal to kitchen and generator. All ranching related errands require a duplicant with the Critter Ranching skill, same for supplying Critter Feeders and Fish Feeders, and moving already wrangled critters to a Critter Drop-Off or Fish Release. feed sweeper gets disabled with a NOT from kill storage, while it activates the kill sweeper. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Even if you keep the adult hatch ready, it takes some time wrangling and moving it. To run a single coat generator, you will need 600kg/cycle of coal, so you need 9 hatches, which will produce 630kg/cycle of coal. But grooming station still allows to groom Order of Hatch food by (not) usefulness: Clay - nothing to do with it now, but heat resistant farm (Polluted) Ice - As soon as the chunk is big enough, melting it takes way too much effort. Wild critters do not need to be fed, same for pacus, who are I read in a few reddit posts that 1 unpowered incubator is needed per 5 hatches (which is 0. But they are complaining about crowdedness. be/LbfPobILMfMTopics Covered:Basics of RanchingRanchesHatchesFoodLearn on the same colony Echo is playing I could produce more plastic, but I want reed fiber too, so the breeder stable starts with normal dreckos rather than glossy. If I recall most flying and aquatic Critters will need more room on the Stable so you can only have 4 or 6 in a Stable. Reply reply More replies [deleted] • each hatch (or drecko) needs 12 tiles to avoid debuffs, so 8 per stable. be/LbfPobILMfMCredits music: When Guide: Hatch/ery Overflow Kill with Pips! (Scroll down for pip overflow kill chamber) My early-mid game hatchery: With stables full, loose critters can become big dupe time sinks that we want to avoid. Current play though I went a bit nuts and have 182 stone hatch eggs waiting to drown. e in it's life it produces 17 eggs. Ranchers will wrangle the 9th hatch in the first one. A 96 tile ranch can support 8 hatches and eggs count as a hatch. 96 tiles is the maximum size of a stable, which limits you to 8 hatches. This will get the dupes to move the hatchlings back to the right pen. Babies can't jump tile gaps, or up/down. An egg is removed IMMEDIATELY when the stable gets up to 9 population, so there is never any lost reproduction time. Comfort 293. They are never cramped if the sweeper takes out the eggs immediately. Blah. A hatch lives 100 cycles and has a reproduction rate of 17% if fed and groomed, i. patreon. Since the walking critters won't jump of the shear cliff, I find it to be quite 12 tiles per hatch. Lately my hatch farms were 3 4-high floors, 8 wide with a few strategic gaps in the floors to remain a single room. if the priority of the incubator is set high enough , the clock would activate it once per cycle . Now 66 - (3*12) = 30 spaces left. I saw someone say earlier you may need as much as 12 spaces per hatch. 140kg/cycle of some stone, gives 35*140 = 4900 kg stone per cycle. the timer is set so the door will open for few seconds every minute so all eggs and coal will be dropped into the water pit below. You need almost a full ranch of pips to feed a single sage hatch. The sweetles in this stable are not exposed to grubfruit, thus will produce sweetle eggs with 98% likelihood. Its also faster to set up this way in early game. If you need to use coal for power make sure to make 1-2 hatch farms early and get stone hatches, you will need coal to make steel to enter mid game. A lot of the players just really desire and strive for this. 5 hatches per dupe, assuming you hatch every egg and harvest all the meat. So eggs will get incubated and then wrangled back into a stable where there is room. Each hatch uses 12 spaces, any less and they are overcrowding/cramped. This produces a “stable full” signal which has two purposes: It connects to the mechanized airlock in the floor of the stable, keeping it open Stackable hatch farm, clock automation will open the door few seconds a day to let egg and coal falling down, only need 1 sweeper move these to power room/hatchery/kill room. I use the basic hatch to get stone and smooth to save on heat issues early game. each critter needs 12 tiles each before it gets cramped which will stop it's egg production. It takes longer for a drecko on the ceiling to reach the station than for a stone hatch that is kept 3 tiles away from it, like in the design used by FJ in Normal hatches are average. r/Oxygennotincluded. I then used sweepers for cleanup and the other floors for various types of industrial machinery. com/fgsquared The breeding stable must be the first stable built below the control room if you choose to use one. room size. Planting mealwood and building inside stable. What is your position on this stable design? Basically a 10x10 square, with a small elevated balcony of 3-4 tiles that you keep the grooming station and critter drop off on. com/playlist?list=PLnIE0W-m629eFkz-Fmnq9OZJ5XsV6JfO0Hatches the first critter we encounter, also the easies This way you can have hundreds of critters in a glum state eating stuff and producing excretions. We start setting up our stone hatch stables. One hatch will lay an egg in 5 cycles + 6 when adult = 11 cycles, making it worth 4000calories of bbq / 11 cycles = 360 cal/cycle Since dupes eat 1000 cals, 3 hatches per dupe (rounded for worst case) are needed to sustain the colony Definitely a nice kill chamber for critters that are already hatched. Feeding them sedimentary rock will eventually make them stone hatches anyways. Hatch Stable. I found this post by chance when looking through Reddit, and it got me curious about if it is still relatively viable after 2 years, so I went to the ONI Calculator and decided to see if it was worth it to feed a colony using meat from Sage Hatches which were fed The best thing to do with hatches long-term is honestly to switch off them as a food source. 88, but we'll round to 6). A quick and dirty tutorial on how to maximize your Hatch Farms. Just build a stable with a temperature above >>70°C and adjust the temperature based on the materials used to build the There are some pictures of example ranches at the end of the guide. You A Stable (Max Tile 96) should more or less only accommodate 8 Critters (Eggs also count as "Critters" unless it was changed on the time of this reply) before they get the "Overcrowded" and "Glum" De-buff. Also every so often I will use excess stone hatch eggs for omelettes. A bit more details and my recomandation. Eventually they leave the incubator on their own and walk into the killing room. Set dropoffs to 8 and if one hatch dies, dups go fetch one hatchling. So the maximum amount of critters you can have in a stable Here is the vertical version of a fully automated hatch egg farm, an iteration on my earlier post using 96-tile rectangular stables. That works out to 22 tiles a hatch. If there's enough space for the critters but too many I use fish in a mix water tank to get tons of egg shell for lime. feed them with dirt or anything else will be resulting them producing coal. maybe use a delay buffer for the feed sweeper to avoid a race condition in the kill sweeper (meaning the kill sweeper is kept active by a premature deposit by the feeder). My approach to ONI is heavily influenced by playing Wiggles, and it's little sidepockets like that that are my favourite parts. Perhaps a feeder if you want coal too. Stone has 200 hp. Space Requirements [] (See Also A Drowning chamber is a design allowing to automate the slaughter of critters, and save duplicants some labor and health. do you need coal or refined metal? if u need more coal. Open comment sort options Yeah, works out to like 8 hatch farm produces enough food to sustain 1. Oni dB is the best resource for critters and some of the other more mechanical parts that the wiki lacks Ranching lets you tame and raise critters so they lay more eggs and (in some cases) produce more materials. youtube. Once, I have a means to make refined metal. I have three stables stacked sideways, can stack more if needed. Dup take stone hatch eggs from the evolution chamber when one incubator is empty. As soon as something hatches the duplicants will automatically move it to the stable. After gas settle, now we can start planting and constructing, including reconstructing one tile under the door. its actually 12 per hatch. Here's a list of advanced ranch designs for almost every type of critter that will run indefinitely without any dupe labour as long as critter food is provided. Or alternatively, auto The critter sensor in the stable should be set to send a green signal when above 7. Oxygen Not Included (ONI) - its actually fairly simple in concept. Just to the right across the ladder, there is a small room which acts as a critter trap. So there is no difference there but the normal hatch has 25 hp. Dirt is also very useful for Sleet Wheat, which together with Bristle Blossoms makes the best spacefaring foodstuff (and BTW 95/6 = 15. What you do is put a critter drop off in the stable and set the limit for the number of hatches you want on it and set the check box to auto-wrangle creatures over the max. A small 8-stone-hatch ranch provides plenty of coal for coal generators as supplimentary power instead of main power. Hopefully you find this design helpful. ---This series Having issues with this too, I have a rancher, he has the cool hat and everything, under priorities, ranching is at "wrench" for him. So as soon as one hatch lays an egg the rest stop breeding unless you clear it. AFAIK there is no way to kill/move critter based on their age (in vanilla ONI), but note that they are as productive a young critter. From what I gather, eggs now lose viability when stored, meaning I can't store a limited number of eggs in my stable at a sub-priority of X and automatically crack the surplus at a sub-priority of <X. still 8 is the max per max. Set the drop-off to priority 8 and 0 hatch and hatchlings. Sage has 25 hp too. Is this still the case? Once the door is open a hatch in the drop room may path into the space of the open door. I was wondering how do you deal with this problem. End Screen music: When Johnny Comes Marching Home by Cooper Can I think part of the automation can be simplified with incubators. 04 per hatch), but something doesn't add up. The eggs go to a room like this. 83 That's the amount of eggs an hatch can lay during a life time. It is special in that it will eventually be the only stable reliably producing sweetle eggs. The dreckos hatch with a high chance for normal drecko eggs, and since they eat the mealwood, over time they produce more glossy than drecko eggs. I find it's even easier (though a bit more high tech) to use an auto sweeper controlled by a critter sensor to drop eggs through a closed pneumatic door Building some stables in Oxygen Not Included. The eggs that remain in the stable are solely for replenishing the numbers of hatches that have died. Hi, i'm trying to make my base run on coal generators, although i'm running out of coal. I issued a wrangle command on a hatch and nothing. if done correctly when a spot opens up in a stable your dupes will take the critter directly from the incubator to the stable. First one has 9, second has 7 and third has 0. Space required 12. Without the accompanying +900% bonus to egg production a ranch with harvestable excess critters is not possible. These natural tiles, including those marked as containing "buried objects," can be excavated to expose the See more A perfectly maintained hatch will lay an egg every 6 days (well 5. They need a sustainable source of rock, which is hard to get. That egg represents 4000 calories once it has fully completed the journey to barbecue. Non-aquatic critters sometimes jump into a puddle of liquids that's less than 1 tile thick. . Almost similar design Those are really interesting designs - thanks for posting! I’ve been looking at power stations and transformer banks myself recently and I’m convinced that vertical transformer arrays are the way to go (for me at least). Set up another critter dropoff room with lower priority than your main stable so that the overflow creatures will be delivered there and allow them to wander from there into I set up 5 hatch farms, 7 hatch each and found my sandstone runs out quickly Then I made some math, and got this: 5 stables, 7 hatches = 35 hatches. i suggest you go for sage and normal hatches. Critter hatch -> Sensor opens door -> Critter wander through the vertical door door, unto the horizontal -> Critter leaves room -> Sensor turns off -> Door closes -> Critter is pushed though horizontal door. When you're feeling fancy you can automate all of this. so with a max 96 tiles, you can So the stable is pretty big, 96 tiles, and I just have 8 hatches. This is an old version with some flaws, but the concept is the same. Eggs count for "cramped" status (which prevents critters from laying more eggs) but not for "overcrowded" (which makes them "glum", substantially reducing their productivity). If one hatch produces an egg every 6 days, you need (6/4) 1. Indigenous / sedimentary rock - its everywhere and has no Currently doing an all achievement run. If a hatch dies, the next egg that is laid will remain in the stable until it hatches, with no need for an egg hatching room. Base Properties. Confine them, set up a shipping system that picks up any eggs and drops them off in a drowning pool in the kitchen. One more than a single ranch can hold. you're right, hmm though they needed 4x4 space but haha 3x4 is enough. During daylight hours, it burrows into natural tiles with a hardnessrating of 20 or lower, using these tiles as a hiding place. It also means that you can move an adult hatch at age 10 inside a stable and still produce max eggs. However, usually coal generators don't need to run all You can use an incubator to keep one stone hatch egg in & an egg cracker for all other eggs while the incubator is full at lower priority to maintain a stable population. So just keep the first one wild until you have the tree set up. My hatch ranches restrict movement to 4 tiles wide (enough for grooming, food Be aware most critters have two versions the baby and the adult. Hatch and Morb, as walking critters, share the traits: Can walk, jump across 1 tile gaps, climb diagonally 1 tile, and jump up diagonally 1 tile to left/right and 2 tiles up/down. 5 dupes. the main issues i Stone Hatch details in Oxygen not Included: Stone Hatches excrete solid Coal as waste and enjoy burrowing into the ground. Build a "standard" squeezed hatch ranch (the 100 size room with a pneumentic door with a cap just If one hatch is worth 4k calories, then for every dupe, you need 1 hatch every 4 days. So is there anyways I can count the number of critters in a room separately to automate delivering eggs or baby critters to a Stable? I can just build 7 Stables of Pip and 1 Stable of Sage Hatch but if there is any way to automate 1 Stable, then I can avoid the shipping fee of moving dirt around and make it a scalable system. Ideally sweep the stone hatch eggs directly into their own ranch so you don't block reproduction by over-crowding the hatches. Liquids Ranching in oni is stupid strong as it generally builds long pathways that let you achieve either 0 cost systems for advanced products and food or offer a slower albeit 0 heat generating option. They can eat sedimentary rock, which is mostly trash, and have low HP which makes them easy to kill for meat. Move extra eggs to a hole somewhere, let them hatch and eat leftover rock and eventually die and leave meat. Critters are assumed to be tamed and kept happy at all times; tamed & happy critters are required in order to produce harvestable critters. Eggs inside an Incubator can be lullabied by a Duplicant rancher, giving the egg a buff for one cycle that increases the incubation speed by up to 400% (5 times as fast). 15. I believe hatch ranching to be the most stable (pun not intended) start to every game, though, so even though I As with any animals in ONI, wild pips will not die from hunger. Incubation room (right): • pre-incubator evolution chamber: eggs are delivered under the locked pneumatic door. But my first stable was overcrowded. 1 happy hatch produces an egg every 6 cycles Ok, if you got some time and want the full amount of meat (I talk about not killing hatchlings^^): . That means that a fully productive hatch will provide A Stable is a room that is required for ranching. The other option for dirt is the CO2->skimmer->sieve->compost chain, but with how much less efficient it is, I would suggest holding out until you get some pips. Want more guides? ️Playlist: https://www. Please note baby critters will stay in incubator for 5 cycles. Smooth has 400 hp. wnbi xmbigp bfivvt iiw ugtm sowh sgrkrdc bmfqw zpdgs rjpinl paw ryr mrlid vqcpc gteg